What does CCU fix if it breaks?

Water CCU maintains and makes any necessary repairs to the water main, the service line leading up to the meter pit, and the meter pit, including the meter. The line leading from the customer's side of the meter is considered the customer's responsibility to maintain and any water usage recorded on the meter will be [...]


What services does CCU provide?

Water Services Connection fees paid by the customer cover the costs associated with the installation of a water meter and pit. This means the location of the pit may have already been determined at the time of your application. The CCU Distribution Department will tap the public main and extend a service line to the [...]


Am I eligible to receive services from CCU?

If you live within the city limits of Columbus, Indiana, you are eligible to receive service from Columbus City Utilities (CCU). CCU is a municipally owned and operated utility. It has certain procedures for citizens of the City to gain services and different procedures for those who live outside the corporate limits. If you live [...]

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How much are the connection fees?

Residential: For water services, a normal residential service (5/8” X 3/4” meter) will cost $1,865.00.  This includes the cost of the meter pit or vault, the meter, as well as labor, and material costs.  If your property already has a meter pit or vault available, the cost for a normal residential service is only $500.00, [...]

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What are assessments?

Assessments are fees charges by CCU to assist in the payment for the lines adjacent to your property. If your property has been serviced by CCU in the past, assessments may not be required. The assessment rates are multiplied by the property dimensions that abuts, or lies next to, the water and sewer lines. These [...]


Will I receive an adjustment for a water leak?

If there is a leak on the customer’s side of the meter, a sewer adjustment will be considered. For consideration of an adjustment, documentation of the repair must be provided to CCU prior to any adjustment being made on an account. Please note, not all leaks are eligible for an adjustment. Items such as leaking [...]


What is Summer Sewer Allowance?

Summer Sewer Allowance (SSA) is defined by local ordinance which specified all residential customers will receive a sewer adjustment for the months of June through September.  In general, sewer charges are based upon your water consumption.  However, during SSA, your sewer charges are based on your average water consumption for the months of February through [...]
