Never Flush These Items
Never flush the following items (or put them down the garbage disposal or drain).
Please always toss these items in your trash.
Wipes labeled as “flushable”
Baby/facial/cleaning wipes
Feminine hygiene products
Dental floss
Cotton swabs/cotton balls
Rags and towels
Rubber or latex items
Fat, cooking oil, grease
Clothing labels
Cigarette butts
Disposable toilet brushes
Kitty litter
Aquarium gravel
Plastic items
Produce stickers or labels
Paper towels
Facial tissues
Candy or food wrappers
Gum or candy
Don’t Trust the Label
Some paper products and wipes are advertised as “flushable,” but they are not flushable. Sure, they will flush down, but they will not flush out.
Products other than toilet paper do not decompose. These products get caught and cause blockages in sewer collection lines, lift stations, and wastewater treatment plant screens and filters. Blockages and obstructions cost time and money to clear and repair.