Columbus City Utilities contractors will be conducting hydrant flow testing throughout the city starting Monday, May 8. See the map below for precise locations.
The purpose of the hydrant flow testing is to confirm system pressure and flow rates for public health and firefighting. Each year, approximately 20 percent of the hydrants in the water system will be tested to comply with industry standards.
The hydrant flow testing may also remove iron and manganese sedimentation from the water mains. This sedimentation, while completely safe from a health standpoint, can cause discoloration of clothing and other articles if agitated and brought into solution. Customers may experience some discoloration of their water in certain sections of the city during flushing. It is recommended that residents of the area being flushed avoid washing laundry the evening of the flushing as well as the next morning.
Motorists are asked to use caution when approaching flushing crews. If the water spout obscures your vision of the roadway beyond the hydrants, please obey the directions of the Utility employee and wait for the flush to end. Parents are asked to please keep children from playing in the water flows, or around the flushing crews. The roads are generally open to all traffic, and motorists may not see children due to the water spray.